SUMMARY DRAFT 1 : ENGIE’s district heating and cooling system


The article "District heating and cooling systems" illustrates how ENGIE establishes itself as a leading international provider for sustainable heating and cooling systems while meeting the continual comfort necessities of its diverse pool of consumers.

The article further demonstrates the backbone of ENGIE's operations relative to the versatile heating and cooling methodology involving numerous technologies applied worldwide. As a result, energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and energy bills have decreased.

Following this, ENGIE states that it utilizes renewable and recyclable energy to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of heating and cooling. The biomass used for heating and recycled water by the Seine river for cooling in Paris would be a case in point. Another case would be the first city-scale centralized thermal energy distribution network in Lisbon, which serves many buildings while continuously reducing CO2 emissions.

Thus, the general overview of the article is to substantiate ENGIE's success in executing its vision and ambitions. (151Words)



1.     District heating and cooling systems | ENGIE. (2013, February 11). Engie.Com.


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